Nordic Safe Cities Summit
City stories
Udgivet: 25 Oct - 2022
Politicians, practitioners, professionals and thought-leaders gathered at our Nordic Safe Cities Summit.
We aim to defend democracy from everything which threaten to tear it apart. We want to create strong and resilient communities with more inclusion. With more social cohesion.
But we cannot do it on our own. We work with a long list of partners, professionals, practitioners, and politicians with whom we touch base frequently, but rarely with everyone gathered in the same room at the same time.
That made assembling a long list of the most prominent people we work with so often was one of the goals of our Summit ’22 which we held in the Danish Capital of Copenhagen.
And it really was a great joy to finally see so many people in the flesh all gathered at the same place for the first time in three years.
Day one
The first day took place at the Copenhagen Town Hall where we took stock of the state of Nordic Democracy and the challenges, we all face defending it.
Day two
Day two was held at Politikens Hus and centered around how we can use a lot of the research being made within our field of work and put it in to practice.
In 2023 we will host our Nordic Safe Cities Camp which will be held in our Finnish member city of Vantaa.