Democracy Spotlight
In 2024, we introduced a new format – Democracy Spotlight – replacing our previous Extremism Briefings, because we experienced a need among our readers for a new approach that provided more specific expert knowledge on democracy building and prevention work. Published 4 times a year, each spotlight will focus on a dedicated topic outlining one of the most pressing and top-of-mind challenges in our member cities.
You can also read the most current ‘News from the Nordics’, how to convert cutting-edge research to practical knowledge in ‘From Research to Practice’, and lastly some ‘Food for Thought’ – recommendations on the most interesting podcasts, webinars, and more.
Extremism Briefing
In 2021, we introduced the members-only bi-monthly Nordic Democracy Briefing to provide easy access to the latest news and information in the Nordics and convert cutting-edge research to practical knowledge. The Briefings include an overview of the latest news from the Nordics as well as a global perspective, new research, and insights on ‘what works’, methodology and inspiration for practitioners in the field. In addition, the Briefings provide ‘Food for Thought’ in the form of podcasts, documentaries, and articles to inspire and inform. The Briefings are now available to the public and are sent out quarterly.
Read, watch, and listen to the previous briefings from 2021 & 2023.