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There are currently no open vacancies, but we are always interested in new and competent colleagues who can expand our horizon and develop our organisation. Send your unsolicited application to:

For organisations and companies



Over the years we have partnered up with several local, national and Nordic organisations in both short and long term collaborations. With these organisations we have strengthened local and regional efforts to improve the safety in communities across the Nordics.

Do you want to explore how your organisation or company can collaborate with the Nordic Safe Cities Alliance  or have an idea for joint collaboration?

See our current Safe City Partners and reach out to us.

”As a partner organisation, Nordic Safe Cities has contributed significantly to improve both the outreach and impact of Gjensidigestiftelsen. Our cooporation started in 2020, and together we have collaborated on more than +10 initiatives that develop civic and democratic engagement in municipalities throughout Norway. Their network, know-how and tools to increase social cohesion and prevent extremism and polarisation have made a significant impact in Norwegian communities.”

– Ingrid Tollånes, Director of Gifts, Gjensidigestiftelsen.

Get in touch

Please get in touch  to learn more.

Phone    +45 28 93 48 23