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Why join us?

A new safety paradigm in the Nordics

The war in Europe, polarizing conspiracy theories and anti-democratic opinions have created a new security and safety paradigm in the Nordic countries. We face challenges with new technology and the normalization of extremism in the daily life and online, which threatens our democratic security and safety. This new reality is constantly reshaping the Nordics, influencing measures to ensure safety and social cohesion in our cities in both the short and long run.

The need to safeguard our democracy and promote the Nordic values of equality, human rights, trust, and freedom of speech has grown ever more important and unites cities in the Nordics around common challenges.

And although the Nordic societies are characterized by more trust, less inequality, and more cohesion than most other parts of the world, belief in democracy is not as strong as it was ten years ago. We cannot take democracy for granted. This is at the core of the collaboration in Nordic Safe Cities. It is more timely than ever to unite and work together in the Nordics, to safeguard and shape our safe democracies to enable social cohesion and prevent polarisation and extremism.

In the Nordic Safe Cities alliance, we have agreed to stand strong together and continuously uphold our common Nordic values. We support Nordic governments, municipalities, police and local professionals to combat these threats and create safe and resilient local communities that can stand against polarisation, hatred, and extremist violence.

Join us to access a unique pool of knowledge partners and get colleagues and funding to support your effort to ensure democratic safety in your city.



Nordic Safe Cities provide you with resources and knowledge based on these three core pillars:

Inform and Connect 

    • We connect you with cities, police, civil society, and youth across the Nordics to build better communities. We also provide resources and build networks through which to discuss difficult  topics, share challenges and good practice, spread ideas, and catalyze action.

1:1 Advice and Support:

    • We advise you on strategies, policies, and initiatives, and provide immediate support in times of crisis.

Innovate & Pioneer:

    • We innovate the field of prevention with you, by co-creating new concepts, initiatives, and policies that address wicked issues or areas with limited methodology or good practices.


“It is crucial to share information through Nordic Safe Cities and establish communication channels within our cities. Nordic cities face similar problems and negative phenomena, and many actors, including criminal groups, collaborate without respecting borders. This requires a broader perspective.”

– Pekka Timonen, Mayor, City of Vantaa.

“Opportunities like these, where elected officials from the Nordic region can share experiences of preventing and combating polarisation, hate and violent extremism, are especially important in times like these.”

– Alexander Ojanne, Vice Mayor for Social Affairs and
Public Safety, City of Stockholm.

“Fredrikstad is ‘The small world city’, and in the small world city it must be safe to live and grow up for everyone. That is why we must work against hate speech and extremism, and for democracy and citizenship. We can do this within the framework of Nordic Safe Cities.”

– Jon-Ivar Nygård, Mayor, Fredrikstad, Norway.

“The best solutions to the greatest challenges are obtained when the cities work together. I am very much looking forward to following the further work carried out in Nordic Safe Cities.”

– Kari Nessa Nordtun, Mayor, Stavanger, Norway.



The Blueprint maps Nordic Safe Cities’ six areas of action. Collectively they present our approach to building safe and resilient cities and local communities that stand against polarisation and safeguard citizens from extremist influences and hate.


Safegaurd local democracy

Ensure safe digital cities

Empower Young Pioneers

Embrace Diversity

Grow safe neighbourhoods

Safe city governance and preparedness


Nordic Safe Cities’ priorities towards our members is to:



Connect your city to new knowledge, people, and good practice


Be a trusted safe city colleague


Ensure your prevention efforts works  


Innovate new solutions to wicked problems


Bring the city and civil society together


Go deep and truly Nordic