Launch of Shalom Danmark

Categories: News
Udgivet: 07 Feb - 2023

Nordic Safe Cities, Jødisk Informationscenter and partners will scope the amount of antisemitism in Denmark and invent preventative efforts to counter the issue.

Antisemitism isn’t just a thing of the past. Unfortunately.

It lingers on to this day, especially in the digital sphere where a tight connection between antisemitism and conspiracy theorists have been exposed by studies, but the actual scope of the problem is still not known.

Nordic Safe Cities wants to get a clear picture of the problem in Denmark in order to come up with new ways to tackle antisemitism. The target group of the project are the 15-25 year olds.

Together with our partners from Analyse & Tal, Common Consultancy and Jødisk Informationscenter we have launched ‘Shalom Danmark’.

“We are excited to launch ‘Shalom Danmark’. Addressing antisemitism, and discrimination and racism in general, is a profound part of what we in Nordic Safe Cities strive to counter,” says Jeppe Albers, Executive Director at Nordic Safe Cities.

“We believe the most efficient way to counter antisemitism lies in collaborative efforts, and in this specific case we could not have gathered a more adequate set of partners to both scope the problem and, down the line, form new types of prevention.”

The project will run for three years. In the preliminary phase we will be analyzing the amount of antisemitism online in Denmark using the variant of the algorithm which we and our partners from Analyse & Tal have developed through our Safe Digital City initiative.

Once the analysis is done, we will have a clear scope of the problem, and we consequently invent new ways counter the hate and discrimination of Jews in Denmark.