Safe City Action
Stavanger and Nordic Safe Cities take joint action to create security in public spaces and enhance the feeling of safety around specific areas of Stavanger.
City Portrait
Stavanger is one of the oldest cities in Norway, founded in 1125. Historically Stavanger was a small poor fishing village, but early in the 1800s the city grew and became a main shipping hub. Today Stavanger is the fourth largest city in Norway, with 135.000 inhabitants and a strong engine in the Norwegian economy. The city is surrounded by beautiful nature and is home to famous tourist attractions and Norway’s biggest food festival with multicultural dishes and international guests. Stavanger has experienced rapid population growth since the 20th century due to the booming oil industry. On average the inhabitants enjoy a high standard of living, yet with the continuous growth socio-economic inequalities are growing as well.
Safe City Challenges
With increasing socio-economic disparities, Stavanger is experiencing higher numbers of children living in low-income households. Socio-economic challenges are also visible in certain areas which attract more drug users, youth gangs, and groups engaged in criminal activities and violence. The challenges stemming from extremist Islamic and Far Right milieus are somewhat equal, but the greatest challenge is related to the growing disparities and insecure urban areas. To prevent extremist violence, Stavanger therefore focuses on general crime prevention and creating a city where the citizens feel safe in all areas.
The city of Stavanger focuses on prevention and early intervention rather than firefighting. Stavanger invests in universal solutions that target root causes of unsafety and extremism. Stavanger is working to decrease urban insecurity and is preparing a strategic and environmentally friendly lighting plan to make hiking trails, riding trails, parks, recreation areas and activity facilities feel safe and inviting.
Focus Areas
The City of Stavanger currently focuses on the following:
- Using physical measures to make the space around Breiavannet / Byterminalen a pleasant area where people feel safe.
- Use social measures to get in touch with the groups and individuals who add to urban insecurity.
Good Practise
Regional Group
Stavanger is a part of a Regional Group consisting of several municipalities in the region, the prison service, police, and intelligence agency (PST). The group meets yearly at a conference to works towards prevention of extremist violence, hate and radicalisation.