10 million NOK to support norwegian cities

Categories: News
Udgivet: 16 Jan - 2020

The Norwegian organization, Gjensidige Foundation, has allocated 10.000.000 NOK to support Norwegian cities in the Nordic Safe Cities network through a new project. The project is called “Safer Norwegian Cities” and aims to strengthen Norwegian communities and help residents feel safe.

Ingrid Tollånes, The Director of Gifts at Gjensidige Foundation, is pleased about the new collaboration. She explains:

“We are proud to launch our new initiative “Safer Norwegian Cities”. It is the ambition that the initiative, in cooperation with the Nordic Safe Cities alliance, will lead to new, solid efforts in Norwegian cities that enable local communities to promote open and safe cities and prevent hate, violence, and extremism.”

Ingrid Tollånes,

The Director of Gifts at Gjensidigestiftelsen