
This is a forum where we share news and insights from cities and partners in our alliance and update you on the work being done across the Nordic Region. The news include best practices shared by our member cities, new reports, initiatives, media stories and much more. We cast light on innovative approaches to current safety challenges and highlight the steps made towards making the Nordics a global pioneer region in preventing extremist violence, polarisation and hate.

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Anja Dalgaard-Nielsen appointed as chairwoman of Nordic Safe Cities

Anja Dalgaard-Nielsen, director of the Institute for Strategy at the Royal Danish Defence College and renowned international scholar of terrorism, is appointed new chairwomen of Nordic Safe Cities. Anja Dalgaard-Nielsen is the previous head of department in the Danish Security and Intelligence Service, where she helped outline the Danish strategy...

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Nordic Safe Cities in the spotlight

There are reasons to be concerned as extremist groups are leveraging their online activity during the ongoing Covid-19 crisis. This week Nordic Safe Cities gathered 18 member cities to discuss how Covid-19 might accelerate radicalization through misinformation and hate propaganda. Within this context, there are particularly three trends that are...

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City stories

City level responses to Covid19

To get an understanding of the Covid-19 situation in the Nordic cities we asked prevention coordinators from a broad spectrum of the Nordic cities to give their views and experiences, 5 weeks after the first countries started to lock-down due to Covid-19. Below is a summary of the perspectives. We...

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Coronakrisen kan skabe mere online ekstremisme

Article posted at Politiken, Danish newspaper, on April 16, 2020 (Danish only). Jeppe Albers, Executive Director, Nordic Safe Cities & Cecilia Lonning-Skovgaard (V), Mayor of Employment and Integration, Copenhagen Vi risikerer, at coronakrisen bliver kilde til en ny ekstremistisk opblomstring. Lige nu er mange tvunget til at være hjemme, og en...

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New initiatives

The Nordic Capital Code signed and sealed

In December 2019, Nordic Safe Cities gathered mayors, politicians, and leaders from +20 Nordic cities. At this summit we celebrated all the projects and initiatives that have been initiated in Nordic Safe Cities in 2019 and it was a springboard for new and closer collaborations across the Nordic region. At...

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Calendar 2021 for members

Kick-off City Meeting (online) January 13 10.00 – 11.30 CET For practitioners

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10 million NOK to support norwegian cities

The Norwegian organization, Gjensidige Foundation, has allocated 10.000.000 NOK to support Norwegian cities in the Nordic Safe Cities network through a new project. The project is called “Safer Norwegian Cities” and aims to strengthen Norwegian communities and help residents feel safe. Ingrid Tollånes, The Director of Gifts at Gjensidige Foundation,...

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New initiatives

A new journey for Nordic Safe Cities

2020 marks the beginning of a new journey for The Nordic Safe Cities alliance towards an even stronger network, as it continues as an independent association. A transformation that underlines the success of the project and the creation of even closer Nordic cooperation to secure the safety of our region....

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City stories

Young people are important stakeholders

Listening to the voice of youth is a vital part of understanding our society as a whole. Their voices share innovative solutions to some of the critical challenges we face today. In this City to City Letter we cast light on how to engage and train young people in developing...

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City stories

Letter from Bærum

Dear Nordic colleagues On August 10, the Municipality of Bærum experienced the unimaginable in our neighborhood. A terrorist attack directed at the Al-Noor mosque, and the murder of a 17-year-old girl. We realize that the consequences could have been much worse, had it not been for the heroic efforts of...

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