The Nordic Capital Code is evolving

Categories: New initiatives
Udgivet: 16 Sep - 2020

Today we hosted our second meeting between the mayors of Helsinki, Stockholm, Oslo and Copenhagen to follow up and take action on the Nordic Capital Code Against Extremism. The Capital Code is a publication that outlines the ambitions of the capital collaboration and includes the first four areas of action that the capital cities will explore in the coming years to safeguard the more than 3 million people living in the Nordic Capitals.

Mayor in Copenhagen, Cecilia Lonning-Skovgaard, explains why this alliance is so important:

“This is an excellent forum for Copenhagen to show our visions and to support other Nordic cities in our mutual efforts to build strong, democratic communities by standing together against hatred and extremism.”

Discussions today included shared concerns about increased extremist hate online and measures to collaborate on more (digital) education and out reach to schools and parents. Thanks to mayors Cecilia Lonning-Skovgaard Anna König Jerlmyr Jan Vapaavuori Rina Mariann Hansen for the inspirational leadership.

Read the Capital Code here

The Nordic Capital Code