Category Archives: New initiatives

How the war in Ukraine affects safety and security in our member cities

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is causing implications for safety and security across Europe, including the Nordics. To have an ongoing understanding of the challenges that our member cities are facing, we asked them to share both their experiences with the incoming refugees and learnings so far, as well as...

Posted in New initiatives

The Nordic Capital Code is evolving

Today we hosted our second meeting between the mayors of Helsinki, Stockholm, Oslo and Copenhagen to follow up and take action on the Nordic Capital Code Against Extremism. The Capital Code is a publication that outlines the ambitions of the capital collaboration and includes the first four areas of action...

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Safe City Norway Kick-off

Preventing Extremism Locally Ten Norwegian Cities Leading the way On August 25th we assembled all 10 Norwegian member cities, +20 sparring partners and leading experts from academia, private-sector and civil society for 8 hours of Covid-19 friendly online workshops. The high-level participants from the cities engaged in sparring sessions with...

Posted in New initiatives

First meeting in Safe Spaces Task Force

How can Nordic cities create safe, inspiring and attractive spaces, where urban safety planning and security go hand in hand with open and democratic public spaces? City planning has gained increasing importance on the agenda in recent years, as cities have been reinforcing security measures around public spaces and buildings...

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Welcome to the Safe City Blueprint

Posted in New initiatives

The Nordic Capital Code signed and sealed

The Nordic City to City Stories are Nordic best cases shared by cities. Through the city to city stories we follow a city and tell their story of how they work to prevent and counter extremist violence and hate. 

Posted in New initiatives

A new journey for Nordic Safe Cities

2020 marks the beginning of a new journey for The Nordic Safe Cities alliance towards an even stronger network, as it continues as an independent association. A transformation that underlines the success of the project and the creation of even closer Nordic cooperation to secure the safety of our region....

Posted in New initiatives

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