Chapter 5
Towards Safer Cities

In the following section we have categorised the safe city actions into six emerging themes. Within these themes, the safe city actions are complemented by research on current tendencies and challenges in the Nordics and beyond, including the most current threat assessments from Nordic intelligence services. Certain areas are interlinked and range from (deeper) root-causes of extremism, to issues of leadership in cities and approaches to developing and implementing new local prevention strategies and action plans.

Emerging themes


Theme 1

A city for all

Hate Speech or Freedom of Expression?
The Rise of Far-Right Extremism

Theme 2

The digital city

The Threat of Online Extremism
Hate and Misinformation on Social Media

Theme 3

Safe city governance and alliances

Renewing and Implementing Safe City Strategies
Leading and Expanding Safe City Alliances

Theme 4

Youth Power in Our Cities

Safeguarding and Empowering Youth

Theme 5

A City with Safe Spaces

Safe, Open and Attractive Public Spaces

Theme 6

Safety and Security in the Age of Corona

Changes and Challenges in Safety and City Practice during Lockdown
Learnings and New Practice
A Good 2020 Summer for All Youth
A Look to the Future: Corona Implications for Safe City Strategies